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1. I / We confirm that the information furnished by me / us in this statement of interest is true and correct to the best of my / our knowledge and belief.
2. I / We hereby instruct and authorize MJunction to hand me / us the User -id and password to access the services of MJunction. I / We agree that I / We shall change the password on receipt by me / us and keep it confidential. I / We agree that MJunction shall not be held responsible in any way for any losses that may be suffered by me / us as a result of disclosure of the password to any other person.
3. I / We understand that my / our inability to participate in an e-selling event due to disruption of my / our internet services, or due to bandwidth problems with my / our local internet service providers are beyond the control of MJunction.
4. I / We agree to read the specific Terms & Conditions that would be displayed on MJunction's website regarding the e-selling events that would be organized by MJunction from time to time, before I / we make my / our bid in any e-selling event. I / we understand that my / our bid in an e-selling event would be construed as my / our acceptance to comply with the specific terms & condition for that event. I / We understand that if our bid is accepted by MJunction, I / we are obliged to complete the transaction.
5. In the event of any failure on our part to comply with all or any of the Terms & Conditions regarding the e-selling event, I / we irrevocably agree for the forfeiture of our security deposit / invocation of the Bank Guarantee and further agree to be debarred from participating in any of MJunction's e-selling events.
6. I / we understand that I / we or MJunction may terminate my / our Membership at any time by serving a notice in writing or through e-mail on me / us or MJunction. I / We understand that the termination of my / our membership shall not absolve me / us of our existing obligations to MJunction and /or the seller, and the obligations shall survive the termination of membership. I / we undertake to immediately, within 30 days from the date of termination notice pay and settle all outstanding debts and dues in full to MJunction and the seller as well as honor and complete all outstanding transactions and effect the sale and/or purchase of products and/or services made on or through MJunction.
7. I / we confirm to deposit the EMD as per the laid down slabs, quantity and lot size, as required under the scheme, which is displayed at
8. I / we agree to resolve all disputes with MJunction amicably failing which the dispute shall be referred for arbitration subject to jurisdiction of competent courts of Kolkata.